by Michael Hammond | May 13, 2021
We beg to inform you that the Water Works Committee decided at the last meeting to make a fixed rate for the House of Providence including the stables of One hundred & ten dollars $110.00 net per year, of $27.50 per quarter. It was also decided to reduce the...
by Michael Hammond | May 12, 2021
Your favor of the 9th inst containing Cheque for Twenty five dollars ($25.00) was thankfully received and I enclose you a receipt for the amount. With reference to your application for admission for Mrs. Connell, permit me to say that I will gladly give the poor old...
by Michael Hammond | May 11, 2021
Enclosed please find draft for five hundred dollars ($500.00) partial payment of our annuity. Kindly send receipt for the...
by Michael Hammond | May 10, 2021
I am sending you from the Community a chair to correspond with your prie-dieu, a little box of Agnus Dei and Gospels from the household and a stock from myself. With these articles please accept the best wishes of our hearts for a happy feast day. They are poor...
by Michael Hammond | May 9, 2021
As the bells ring out the glad tidings of great joy and peace my thoughts instinctively turn to the members of my religious family who are engaged in the distant Vineyard, attending to the work of the Master. Concerning them thousands of good wishes well up from my...