Peru Reflections 2024

Peru Reflections 2024

From left: Providence Associate Carmen Alomia, Sister Gayle Desarmia and Sister Sara Jiménez.BY SISTER GAYLE DESARMIA, SPPhotos courtesy of Sister Gayle Desarmia From November 17 until December 11, 2024, I had the privilege of visiting Sister Sara Jiménez and the Peruvian Associates in Carabayllo, Peru. During my time there I was able to accompany Sara to a number of events. One afternoon we attended the First Communion of Massiel, Providence...

Foundation Day

Foundation Day

BY VERONICA STIENBURG, ARCHIVISTDecember 13th is the anniversary of the foundation of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul, the only religious congregation founded in Kingston. Let’s look at the Congregational Annals to see how Foundation Day was celebrated over the years. In the early years of the congregation postulants oftentimes received the habit on Foundation Day. 1862 - On the 13th Dec. the Ceremony of Taking the Habit by our...

Summer Picnics

Summer Picnics

Sisters of Providence having a picnic on the grounds, Providence Motherhouse, Kingston ONClosest table from Left to Right: Sr. Mary Philip Allen, unidentified, unidentified, Sr. Mary Therese Doyle, unidentified, Sr. Mary Blanche Corrigan, Sr. Mary Urban Mulholland, and Sr. Mary David Moran. Between 1954 and 1966.Ever since the Sisters of Providence purchased the Heathfield property in June 1930, they have been enjoying picnics on the grounds,...

Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul Announce Governance Transfer

Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul Announce Governance Transfer

Kingston, ON, June 17, 2024 - After years of careful consideration, thoughtful contemplation and discernment, the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul have chosen to transfer their congregation’s governance to a Commissary. This decision signifies the adoption of a new type of governance model, an historic first among Catholic congregations in English Canada. The Sisters are pleased to announce that Sister Bonnie MacLellan, General...

Helping Hands and Hot Lunch

Helping Hands and Hot Lunch

St. Vincent de Paul Society of Kingston staff and volunteers, including Sister Shirley Morris, Sister Loretta McAndrews, and Sister Mary Ellen Killeen in 1983.BY VERONICA STIENBURG, ARCHIVIST As the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Kingston breaks ground for its new facility, let’s look back on the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul’s involvement with St. Vincent’s in Kingston. Numerous sisters have volunteered with the society since...

A SUNsational Disappointment

A SUNsational Disappointment

The last time Ontario had a total solar eclipse, like the one we are expecting this year on April 8th, was on January 24th, 1925. In 1925 Kingston was not on the path of totality, but was expecting to see a 97% partial eclipse. Excitement was high across Ontario, as many locations in southern Ontario were on the path of totality, including Toronto. I looked in the congregational annals, and the annals of several convents across eastern Ontario...

Leap Day!

Leap Day!

February 29th only occurs once every 4 years, which makes it feel like a special day. Let’s look back at what the Sisters of Providence were doing on a few past Leap Days via excerpts from the Congregational Annals: 1888, February 29On February 29th two large gongs were erected for the purpose of calling the officers of the Community, notifying the Sisters of the arrival of the Confessor, [and] visits by physicians and visitors to the wards....

Who do you think they are?

Who do you think they are?

You may have noticed the display of full size cut-out Sisters in habits in the Display window that faces the auditorium hallway, beside the Heritage Room. These three photographs were picked because the quality was good enough to be scaled up to a large degree, and they showed the habit clearly. Who are the Sisters in the photographs?The Sister in the peaked headdress is Sister Mary of Mercy. She was born Johanna O’Connor in Kingston in 1848...

The Future of the Archives

The Future of the Archives

Veronica Stienburg, Archivist for the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul.BY VERONICA STIENBURG, ARCHIVIST The archives of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul contains records concerning the congregation’s history in Kingston, across Canada, and in Massachusetts, Guatemala and Peru. The archives are currently located in Providence Motherhouse, in Kingston. As the congregation moves towards completion and Providence Village...

Encounters in Peru

Encounters in Peru

BY SISTER GAYLE DESARMIA During the Fall of 2023 I had the privilege of making two trips to Peru. The first was from October 18-25 and the second was from November 12-29. During these times in Peru, I had a variety of experiences that enhanced my understanding of the people and their culture while at the same time allowing me the opportunity to support Sister Sara Jimenez and the Peruvian Providence Associates. While there I attended both the...

Final Chapter of the Sisters of Providence

Final Chapter of the Sisters of Providence

BY SISTER FRANCES O'BRIEN In late October, the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul took a monumental step in our 162-year history by convoking our final General Chapter. For almost 3 years, we had been meeting regularly with facilitator and Canon Lawyer, Sister Bonnie MacLellan, a Sister of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie. Bonnie helped us to understand various options we could take if we could no longer elect a Leadership Team...

Reflection for Closing Liturgy of Chapter 2023

Reflection for Closing Liturgy of Chapter 2023

At the Mass to celebrate the closing of Chapter, Providence Associates Director Barbara Baker shared the following reflection with the gathered Sisters and Associates in the Motherhouse Chapel. Included below is her reflection. Many times, for community celebrations, we hear the story of how the original four Sisters of Providence arrived in Kingston from Montreal on a dark winter’s night in December 1861. We have heard how they opened their...

Chapters of the Past

Chapters of the Past

BY VERONICA STIENBURG, ARCHIVIST The Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul held their final Chapter recently. What is Chapter? Chapter is a collegial body representing the entire congregation and when in session constitutes the highest authority within the Congregation. The Sisters of Providence have held 42 Chapters from 1869 to 2023. The first chapter and first set of elections were held on August 26, 1869. At that time there were only...

PVI Celebrates Official Opening of New Walking Paths

PVI Celebrates Official Opening of New Walking Paths

Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul, their associates, Providence Motherhouse staff, PVI staff and PVI subtenants, gathered at PVI and the Providence Motherhouse to celebrate the official opening of the Village’s new walking paths.BY CORY ANGELETTI-SZASZ, PVI COMMUNICATIONSReprinted with permission from On October 23, Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul, their associates, Providence Motherhouse staff,...

Looking back on the Garage

Looking back on the Garage

Garage in June 2023.  BY VERONICA STIENBURG, ARCHIVIST The garage was demolished in September, but it served the Motherhouse well for almost 60 years. A large garage, including living quarters for employees, had been built on the Motherhouse property in 1951; unfortunately, it didn’t survive being moved to make way for the construction of the Administration wing in 1963. The garage we knew, including a residence, was built in 1964. December 16,...

The 2023 Jubilee Celebration, Jubilarian reflections and thank you’s

The 2023 Jubilee Celebration, Jubilarian reflections and thank you’s

The 2023 Jubilarian celebrants are, standing from left: Sisters Ellen Murray (70 years), Elaine Hogan (70 years), Sandra Shannon (60 years), and sitting is Sister Joanne Colligan (60 years).On Saturday, June 10, four Sisters of Providence celebrated milestone Jubilees totaling 260 years. It was a wonderful celebration which opened with Sister Frances O’Brien welcoming everyone on behalf of the Sisters, as General Superior Sister Sandra Shannon...