by Michael Hammond | Jun 2, 2021
Enclosed please find Post Office Order for the amount of your account viz ($30.50) Thirty dollars and fifty cents; you will please accept the account and return it to me.Immediately after receiving your message informing me of the death of the late Mrs. Quinn I...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 1, 2021
In answer to your letter, which I received on the 13th, I have only to say that I cannot now possibly go before the 15th August. As my sister has been delicate so long and even now she is far from strong, I have left off my business until now to do, as she could not...
by Michael Hammond | May 31, 2021
Your kind letter just received and I hasten to thank you for the information contained therein.To be candid with you I did not feel that so large a sum as was expended last year could be afforded this, but according to your letter a chance is given with not much...
by Michael Hammond | May 30, 2021
In reply to yours of the 31st ult. I may inform you that I shall be pleased to receive the young lady referred to therein if suitable arrangements can be made between her friends and the Community, but not knowing what accommodations they wish to secure for her nor...
by Michael Hammond | May 29, 2021
I regreted not seeing you when I call[ed] on you, but I am sure the Sister I met has explained the object of my visit, namely to invite my daughter, Sister Dennee, and any other Sister you might choose to send for a visit home. I forgot to mention to the Sisters that...