by Michael Hammond | Jun 7, 2021
Your letter asking information respecting our Community reached me duly. I am pleased to know that you are desirous of consecrating your life to the Divine service and I sincerely pray that light and grace may be given you in your choice of Community.Undoubtedly you...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 6, 2021
Your application for admission has met with success. We are satisfied to give you a trial in our Novitiate, but I will not conceal from you the fact that it will be much more difficult for you to persevere than if you were younger. There are many, many things to be...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 5, 2021
Just now arrangements are being made for the annual celebration of the “Feast of St. James”, and a number of ladies who are willing to devote themselves generously to the work have been invited. If you could lend your valuable services to this little...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 4, 2021
I herewith enclose you the family names of the Sisters of this Institute who wrote at the examination for Third Class Certificates: Family Name – Religious TitleMargaret Houlahan – Mary AlexanderMary McLellan – Mary AndrewElizabeth Young – Mary...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 3, 2021
Miss M. A. McDonald, Lot 4 in Con 9, Charlottenburg, Greenvalley P. O. wrote me some time ago asking admission to our Novitiate and a few days ago I received a letter from Rev. Father Fitzpatrick. As we are required by our rule to be very exact about admitting persons...