Dec. 11, 1895 – To Vicar General Gauthier, Brockville ON from General Superior Sr. M. Edward, Kingston ON

House of Providence, Kingston
Dec. 11, 1895
Very Rev. Vicar General Gauthier
Ver. Rev. and Dear Vicar:

Your favor of the 9th inst containing Cheque for Twenty five dollars ($25.00) was thankfully received and I enclose you a receipt for the amount.

With reference to your application for admission for Mrs. Connell, permit me to say that I will gladly give the poor old creature a good comfortable home here in our Institution if these benevolent Ladies remit us the sum of Four dollars (64.00) per month for her maintenance.

In view of the great number seeking shelter at this season and that we receive from Municipalities $6.00 per month for Protestants and others who have no rightful claim on this Diocesan Institution, I consider their offer of $4.00 per month for the old lady insufficient.

I am, dear Rev. Vicar,
Very respectfully yours,
Notes: This letter is not signed and is a typed copy pasted into the copybook.
Source: 105-C, General Superior's fonds, Correspondence series, Copybook, p. 253, Archives, Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul.
Catherine McKinley’s Letters

This letter is part of a large database of correspondence written by and to Catherine McKinley, who is considered one of the founders of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul. As a Sister of Providence she was known by her religious name Mother Mary Edward.

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