by Michael Hammond | Jun 22, 2021
I was very pleased at receipt of your letter of Saturday last informing me of the safe arrival home of your dear Sisters who had been here last month collecting for the poor under your care; as I had not heard or seen to speak to them, after they left Chesterville for...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 21, 2021
Your letter of the 19th ult. is before me and although Sr. Superior had previously acquainted me of your desire of becoming a member of this Institute of Sisters of Charity, I have not in my possession the requisite knowledge of your character and dispositions, etc.,...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 20, 2021
Enclosed please find Draft for Five Hundred Dollars, ($500) balance of first annual payment. Your receipt for the same will greatly...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 19, 2021
There is a man in this town named John Murray a cripple from paralysis. His wife deserted him sometime ago & is now living with a man in Ogdensburg. Murray owns a property in Wexford about a mile from this Town. He values the property at about $800.00. It...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 18, 2021
The purple cloth arrived almost as soon as we did; it is nice and cheap also – thanks. I had so many things to ask you that my old brain was quite muddled and consequently I forgot some items of information that I was desirous of obtaining. What about the Communions...