by Michael Hammond | Jun 12, 2021
Your letter containing $10.00 for Mrs. Coyne’s maintenance was duly received. The year ends on the 15th of June and I wish the account to be settled before that date, if at all possible. You know the care the poor old lady is and the sum of fifty dollars per...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 11, 2021
Now that the Conference is indefinitely postponed and there appears to be no early opportunity of seeing you, I thought I would write you concerning the little business treated of in our last communications.Our Sister Tertiary is succeeding very nicely and while she...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 10, 2021
Your very kind letter dated 19th ult. has been received and I come to thank you for the same and for your delicate and grateful consideration of your Foundress Sister Mary of the Blessed Sacrament. I can assure you that you could not send her a more acceptable gift...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 9, 2021
I intended day after day since I saw you in Montreal to write to you, but one thing follows another so rapidly in my poor life that I am seldom able to do what my heart prompts me.I was very sick for three weeks after Easter and after that I had to try and make up for...
by Michael Hammond | Jun 8, 2021
Your kind favor containing $20.00 – maintenance of Mrs. Coyne was duly and very thankfully received. I believe there is a slight mistake in the account, we have received but $45.00 for the year ending June 15, 1895, date of payments being as follows: September,...