by Michael Hammond | May 23, 2021
There is a lady, Sarah Macdonald, presently in the Asylum in your city, for whom I have been asked to make application for acceptance into your home. She is between 55 & 60 years of age; her mind was deranged, but I am assured she now enjoys to the full her...
by Michael Hammond | May 22, 2021
Your reply of 15th inst rec’d. I sincerely thank you for your kind compliance with my request in behalf of Sarah Macdonald, and hope she will not be too great a burden to you. Your very kind letter I shall send to the old lady’s nephew, knowing that it will...
by Michael Hammond | May 21, 2021
I thank you heartily for your esteemed favor of the 4th inst., and gladly do I accept the very kind offer it contained, namely, your recommendation for the extension of the Sisters’ certificates. The result of the appeal was unfavorable and consequently, I trust...
by Michael Hammond | May 20, 2021
Will you kindly send me a statement, as below, showing the amount contributed to your Institution by the Municipalities, and also the amount received from all other sources (other than the Goverment grant) for maintenance, for the years named. I will be glad to have...
by Michael Hammond | May 19, 2021
The enclosed contains the information asked for in yours of the 25th inst., and I trust you may find it satisfactory. In our yearly financial reports for the House of Providence, the Orphanage expenses and receipts have always been included. You may remember my...