About Us

This is a series of 12 short videos about the congregation and its ministries. The video titles are: 1) We are Providence; 2) Providence in Action; 3) Vigil, Witness to Justice; 4) Poverty and Food; 5) Liturgy in Focus; 6) Integrity of Creation; 7) Heirloom Seed Sanctuary; 8) Seeds in the Community; 9) PeaceQuest; 10) War… For What?; 11) Welcoming Associates; 12) When God Calls.

The Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul were founded in Kingston, Ontario in 1861 to care for the needs of the poor. More than 150 years later, the Sisters still carry out this call.

We are called to be channels of God’s Providence in the world through compassionate service in response to the needs of the times. In accordance with our  mission statement, we seek to empower others, especially the poor and oppressed, to achieve a quality of life in keeping with their human dignity. We also strive to be prophetic leaders in our Church and in society.

In the past we were known for our institutional ministries – such as schools and hospitals. We have entrusted these to others now, to carry on our mission. Today, we are engaged in works of peace, social justice, ecology, education, wellness and spirituality.

Our administrative headquarters, our Motherhouse, remains in Kingston, but Sisters can be found in Peru, Alberta and other communities across Ontario. More than 100 Associate members live out their connection to the Sisters and the Providence charism across Canada and in Guatemala and Peru.



We, the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul, are gifted with compassionate caring for God’s people, especially the most destitute, in union with the suffering Christ and Mary, Mother of Sorrows, manifested by service given in a spirit of humility, simplicity and charity, and relying on the providence of God which we are called to proclaim.

– 1981


Providence has been traditionally known as God’s loving care for all that God has made. This is difficult to see at times with so much violence in our world today, both what we inflict upon each other and on our planet-home. Nevertheless, Providence is in that chaos because Providence is that name of God which can hold these conflicting polarities and movements of life in creative tension, eventually bringing forth meaning and harmony.

As St. Vincent de Paul says:
“Let us abandon ourselves to the Providence of God and be very careful not to run ahead of it.” (Documents, vol.2, p.453)