Your very kind letter dated 19th ult. has been received and I come to thank you for the same and for your delicate and grateful consideration of your Foundress Sister Mary of the Blessed Sacrament. I can assure you that you could not send her a more acceptable gift and one that will be more appreciated by her, for your photo and that of the “old nest” with the Renaissante beside it will be for her the same as a visit to the vineyard of other days.
I regret very much that I do not go by way of Kingston and that I shall not have the pleasure of seeing you Rev. Mother, but I shall tell Sister M. of the B.S. about you and you may be sure she will over power me with questions about all of your dear Community. I hope to see her at Vancouver in August.
Thank you also for the precious little book, “The Manuel”. I will keep it as a souvenir of the few hours I spent with you and your dear Sisters.
To have made acquaintance with the dear Sisters of Kingston is one of the pleasant remembrances cir my beautiful vacation at the Mother House.
I am named to take charge of the St. Ignatius Hospital in Colfan, Wash., will leave next Monday at 9 o’clock P.M., five young Sisters will travel with me as far as Missoula, ten others under the guidance of Mother Cecile leave the same day in the Morning for Portland, please pray for the travelers.
Our dear Mothers especially Mother John of the Cross send you their love.