July 28, 1890 – To Rev. Harkins, Holyoke MA from General Superior Sr. M. Edward, Kingston ON

House of Providence, Kingston
July 28, 1890
Rev. P.J. Harkins P.P
St. Jerome's Church,
Holyoke, Mass.
Dear Rev. Father,

Your cordial letter of the 24th inst. gave me unbounded pleasure for it brought an assurance that your health was much improved; at least so far as to be able to write – I heartily thank you for the kind wishes therein expressed.

It will be gratifying for you to hear that in directing our affairs we have kept the interest of your schools in view and Sister M. of Providence returns in same capacity namely Superior of City House.

Your letter also contained an item that we most agreeably received, relative to the appointment of a Superior for Mount St. Vincent. Although the Community often judged that the forming of these two Houses far too much for one Sister, yet we withheld making any movement not knowing if such a change would be desirable to you. But now dear Rev. Father since your good pleasure has been made known we will gladly acquiesce, and a Superior for Mt. St. Vincent will be duly appointed. I made it my particular business to call on His Grace this morning and present your request concerning the Sermon you desired him to give at the Consecration of your Church. While His Grace was highly pleased to learn that this event was so soon to take place and to comply would afford much happiness he is extremely sorry to say that owing to the Pastoral Visitation which commences in September and will continue through part of October, it would be impossible. His Grace gave expression to the deepest regret in speaking of your recent illness, and was delighted when I assured him that you were feeling so much better. I too feel disappointed that His Grace cannot be with you on the 28th September but the Pastoral Visitation has already been postponed – last June was the time set apart for this work and at request of some members of Parliament it was off until September lest it might be considered electioneering instead of Visitation.

In conclusion be pleased to accept my sincere wishes for a speedy recovery of health Joined to most earnest petitions to Heaven that your life may be prolonged and that you may see abundant fruits of your labours and sacrifices.

I remain in profound esteem and veneration
Yours very respectfully
Sister Mary Edward, Sup. Gen.
Source: 105-C, General Superior's fonds, Correspondence series, Copybook, p. 117-118, Archives, Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul.
Catherine McKinley’s Letters

This letter is part of a large database of correspondence written by and to Catherine McKinley, who is considered one of the founders of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul. As a Sister of Providence she was known by her religious name Mother Mary Edward.

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