The JPIC Committee meeting held using Zoom video conferencing.BY BRIDGET DOHERTY, JPIC DIRECTOR “The Gospel, our Church’s social justice teachings, the spirit of Vatican II, the congregational constitutions, charism and Mission Statements repeatedly urge us to...
Our Story
Remembering for Peace…One more time
Dec 4, 2018 | Peace
Paul Rogers, Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies, University of Bradford. Image still from video by Clarke MackeyJAMIE SWIFT, JPIC DIRECTOR AND CO-FOUNDER OF PEACEQUEST PeaceQuest wound up its formal events on November 11 with our third sold-out Remembrance Day...
The World Remembers
Aug 23, 2018 | Peace
BY JAMIE SWIFT, JPIC DIRECTOR AND CO-FOUNDER OF PEACEQUEST Just as the schools let out, marking the real start of summer, PeaceQuest held an event in front of City Hall. It was the official announcement of our November Gathering and concert. We got the news out...
Grieving the tragedy of war – Committed to the promise of peace
Aug 15, 2018 | Peace
Photo courtesy: Jolene Simko. Back Row: (from left) Bronek Korczynski, Barbara Linds, Jamie Swift. Middle Row: Ann Boniferro, Pauline Lally, SP, Judy Wyatt. Front Row: Elaine Berman, Michael Cooke. Missing: Laurie Davey-Quantick, Jolene Simko, Administrative...
PeaceQuest at Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony
Mar 16, 2018 | Peace
From left: Beth Pater, Sister Pauline Lally and Murray Thompson. Photo courtesy of Joe Gunn, Citizens for Public JusticeBY SISTER PAULINE LALLY “It is rare for a Canadian to be presented with the Nobel Peace Prize,” said Joe Gunn, Executive Director of Citizens for...
A challenge to the myth of nationhood: Vimy was not the birth of Canada
Dec 9, 2016 | Peace
BY JAMIE SWIFT Back in the mid-1950s, Uncle Eberts offered me the gift of a lifetime. At least for a five year old boy. He got me a ride on a big yellow bulldozer that he’d hired to do some road work. We lived next door to Eberts Macintyre on the Gatineau, just south...
Through the eyes of children
Jul 14, 2016 | Peace
Self portrait, child soldier, northern Uganda. Courtesy: Children/Youth as PeacebuildersBY JAMIE SWIFT A fascinating new web-based PeaceQuest project will soon be providing teachers with an innovative tool to help students learn about war and peace - through the eyes...
The gift of security for one Syrian family
Dec 9, 2015 | Peace
Earlier this year, before the federal government announced it was bringing 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada, even before the child, Alan Kurdi, ended up shocking the world with the plight of the Syrians, the Sisters of Providence made a strong act of solidarity to the...
PeaceQuest: Artists remember for peace
Nov 6, 2015 | Peace
RH Thomson's The World Remembers Project has the remarkable ambition of displaying the names of all 26 million people who died during World War I, regardless of country, regardless if they were soldiers or what has come to be called, "collateral damage." The actor and...
Faith Development Day
Sep 25, 2015 | Laudato Si Action Platform, Peace
On September 25, the entire staff community of Holy Cross Catholic Separate School spent a day together at Camden Braes Golf & Country Club reflecting on Pope Francis’ recent encyclical ‘Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home. Our guest presenters came from the...