by Michael Hammond | Sep 17, 2018 | Associates News
From left: Ann Boniferro, Helen Driver and Mary Olenick. BY ANN BONIFERRO, PROVIDENCE ASSOCIATE On April 7th the weather outside was cold and dreary, yet inside the Chapel of Mary, Mother of Compassion, the joy of the Easter season was evident as the Providence...
by Michael Hammond | Sep 7, 2018 | Sisters News
Our Sisters and Associates who attended this year. Back row: (from left) Sister Gayle Desarmia, Sister Pauline Lally, Associates Barbara Baker and Carol Groten. Front row: Sisters Diane Brennen, Sandra Shannon, Barbara Thiffault and Frances O’Brien. Missing from...
by Michael Hammond | Aug 28, 2018 | Heirloom Seed Sanctuary stories
From left: Sister Diane Brennen, Cate Henderson, and Pat Joslin, KSS planning committee chair. BY CATE HENDERSON, SEED SAVER AND GARDENER Sister of Providence Kay Morrell attended Kingston Seedy Saturday for the first time this year, bringing along Sister Elise...
by Michael Hammond | Aug 23, 2018 | Peace
BY JAMIE SWIFT, JPIC DIRECTOR AND CO-FOUNDER OF PEACEQUEST Just as the schools let out, marking the real start of summer, PeaceQuest held an event in front of City Hall. It was the official announcement of our November Gathering and concert. We got the news out...
by Michael Hammond | Aug 15, 2018 | Peace
Photo courtesy: Jolene Simko. Back Row: (from left) Bronek Korczynski, Barbara Linds, Jamie Swift. Middle Row: Ann Boniferro, Pauline Lally, SP, Judy Wyatt. Front Row: Elaine Berman, Michael Cooke. Missing: Laurie Davey-Quantick, Jolene Simko, Administrative...