It seems like sending coal to New Castle to send you any printed matter but I thought you might like to have a few of these. Will you give one to dear Mother Ignatius; you know she tried to convert me last summer about an other [unclear] but she did not succeed. We had a grand visit from his dear self; the Archbishop said Mass for us, took breakfast and visited the school after which he made an Episcopal Visitation all for ourselves.
We are ahead of you now. Oh I tell you we Trenton folks are up to-date. The weather has been cold but is changeable. Will you please look in the Book and find the name of a young girl, parents name and all that, who entered our Community away back over 30 years ago; she was very young and only remained a few weeks or perhaps days. She is the only one I think who ever entered from Trenton.
I hope your honored Father is better of his cold remember me to them all. If you can, be kind to the dear child that brings you this, she is a jewel; she could if she had time tell you many funny things about our little home here, where every thing makes a laugh. I do hope the Dr. will help her for she is a valuable Sister in every way.