Nov. 6, 1895 – To General Superior Sr. M. Edward, Kingston ON from W.J. Keilty

Douro, Ont.
Nov. 6, 1895
Dear Rev. Mother,

An old man belonging to this Parish named Davy Quinn wd like to go and live at the House of Providence in Kingston. The poor old man is blind and as he has a little means he wd like to have a little room to himself.

Another and the principal reason for a little room for himself is that all through life he always liked to be alone. He feels that way now, I suppose, more than ever. He draws $80. interest per annum on his little bit of money and he wd give you that every year for keeping him. I forgot to say that he is 75 or 76 years of age and strong and hearty. I know that the Sisters wd like the poor old man.

With every kindest regard, believe me, Dear Rev. Mother,
Your old friend,
W.J. Keilty
How is poor old Tom getting along? Dear old soul he lived with me many years and was as honest as the sun. W.J K.
Source: 105.6-C, Mother Mary Edward General Superior sous-fonds, Correspondence series, Letter November 6, 1895, Archives, Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul.
Catherine McKinley’s Letters

This letter is part of a large database of correspondence written by and to Catherine McKinley, who is considered one of the founders of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul. As a Sister of Providence she was known by her religious name Mother Mary Edward.

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