Retreats are a time for persons of all walks of life to come away from ordinary daily activities in order to rest, pray and reflect in an atmosphere of silence.
Kinds of retreats
Retreats are a time for persons of all walks of life to come away from ordinary daily activities in order to rest, pray and reflect in an atmosphere of silence.
Directed Retreats provide an opportunity for daily one-on-one spiritual direction. Individuals unable to make a longer directed retreat are welcome to come for a shorter period.
Guided Retreats are presented in a group setting by a facilitator(s) who gives daily presentations, offering themes and/or Scripture passages for prayer and reflection. Retreatants come together daily to share the fruits of their prayer and reflection.
Preached Retreats are also presented in a group setting by a director who gives one or two talks a day, suggesting themes and/or Scripture passages for prayer and reflection. Retreatants may have the opportunity to meet individually with the director during the retreat.
Private Retreats may be planned and arranged by the individual, and made with or without one-on-one spiritual direction. Most private retreats at the Centre are arranged during regularly scheduled retreats and according to retreat rates.
Requests for Private Directed Retreats outside of regularly scheduled retreat times should be made at least one month prior and will depend upon the availability of a team member.