Called to be ICONS of Providence


The week after the 2021 Providence Event, Sister Jeannette interviewed several participants and correlated their responses.

First time participants who were interviewed included Bridget Doherty and Jeremy Milloy from our JPIC Office and Beverly Koski, Providence Associate. Other participants interviewed were Regina Lannon, Providence Associate and Sister Gayle Desarmia from the Leadership Team.

First time participants shared their thoughts on the experience

It was energizing, very enjoyable, good guest speaker, message offered new approach and direction; Helpful from perspective of theme and speaker, helped to set focus and what lens to process what’s happening; Centre of Dignity; Inspiring, Cool to connect with people from all over North America, Hearing about Providence.

Seasoned participants reflected on their experience at the 2021 Providence Event

Wonderful to be with everybody, 6 hours on Zoom was exhausting, this way of meeting may be with us for awhile, but look forward to meeting in person for the connection that happens; Like much better meeting in person, but virtual event was fine in that it allowed more sisters and associates to participate who wouldn’t normally be able to do so.

What participants liked and the small group experience

Kosmocentric stage is Nancy’s own style; Appreciated Nancy’s presentation which was well done – move forward to following the “lure of Providence” into the future; Having someone identify places where people are and where participant finds her place; The wisdom found in the small group sharing of ideas – great opportunity; Particularly liked next action phase – bringing JPIC people together from various congregations for a JPIC collaborative effort – a positive action coming out of this gathering; Small group allowed for rich sharing and thoughtful silences; The powerpoint for the 40th Anniversary was rich and filled my heart with gratefulness for the bigger entity of Providence Collaboration; What is required for change on a consciousness environmental situation – IN present, not FOR present – good awareness for our ministry of JPIC.

How have we been and how are we being called to be ICONS of Providence – where Justice and Radical Hope meet?

Messages of Providence and the lives of the sisters and associates are so relevant for our present society – community, humility, serving others; Lives can be more fulfilling and more connected in the web of our planet when we are more in solidarity with others; Contemplation allows us to be more fully present; 

We have been visible and witnesses through presence in ministries that have been done – e.g. Silent Vigil to Kingston community and beyond – uplifting for vulnerable people; Providence Village is brilliant – a wonderful legacy to leave – attention to vulnerable people; Associates moving forward to more autonomy – interest, new members, hopeful and future oriented – continuation of charism and mission; We have been edgewalkers in the years through the communities in which we’ve served.

Our work as a congregation – see now the mission and legacy can carry on – i.e. Leadership @ St. Paul’s University, Providence Village; Our congregation has been forefront in Justice issues, Seed Sanctuary, Liturgy – things we’ve become known for; Active participation in cosmic energy.

Stretch the conversation to the arch of Justice and Hope – Moving forward, tie it to our PC-JPIC Vision and Mission statement. Our proposed statement is ICONIC and meaningful because it came from our local group.

PROVIDENCE unfolds one step at a time – an important reminder to not rush ahead of Providence, but to slow it down and see with God’s own eyes from God’s own heart – our contemplative Providential action. PROVIDENCE is that place between the known and the yet to be!

Foundation Day Mass streamed live for Sisters to view.