by Michael Hammond | Nov 29, 2021
As the march of time is fast bringing us to the close of our term of Office, we deem it well to remind you that the General Elections will take place this year a little in advance of the time prescribed by Our Holy Rule. Our Annual Retreat will be held early in July...
by Michael Hammond | Nov 28, 2021
You are hereby apprised that as a member of the present Chapter you will present yourself at the Mother House Kingston before the 10th day of July 1890 for the transaction of business relative to the Election of a Superior General and Officers for the next six years...
by Michael Hammond | Nov 27, 2021
You are aware that owing to the death of our dear and ever lamented Sister M. Aloysius the Office of 2nd Assistant and Secretary have been rendered vacant; also the holding of the Office of Treasurer by the General Assistant creates another vacancy. Now my dear...
by Michael Hammond | Nov 25, 2021
It was with regret that we were obliged by more pressing duties to set aside for a few days your claims upon us. Now however, that the rush of work is over and a few moments are ours, we hasten to give you the pleasure and ourselves the gratification of communicating...