by Michael Hammond | Aug 13, 2021
Being very desirous of receiving some information from a reliable source regarding an unfortunate brother of mine, John McKinley, living in the vicinity of East Washington Street, I respectfully request you, Rev. Father, to do me the very great kindness of making some...
by Michael Hammond | Aug 12, 2021
My dear Vicar General: As this is the season for straightening up, I thought it well to draw your attention to the fact, that it is now seventeen years since a collection has been taken up in Brockville, or aid in any form given to help maintain the poor sent to us...
by Michael Hammond | Aug 11, 2021
I can no longer refrain from intruding on you in your hour of sorrow, to tell you how deep and heartfelt is the sympathy felt, not only by myself, but by all your old friends in this Community, and they are not few, for you in your sad bereavement.I am much grieved...
by Michael Hammond | Aug 10, 2021
That for many years they have been engaged in the work of caring for the aged and infirm and for the homeless children of this City.That the Institution is entirely nonsectarian, applicants of every denomination being admitted and receiving the same care and...
by Michael Hammond | Aug 9, 2021
I hope you will pardon my delay in acknowledging your great kindness in so promptly complying with my request by sending Sister M. Leonard and M. Aloysius to attend my Mother and Sister during their illness. You are possibly aware that my sister was dead before they...