A glance at the contents of this letter may surprise you, but the fact is, that frequently during the past year I have been urged to truthfully represent the case of your little boys, in regard to having them so long separated from you. They are now at an age when they should be impressed by a mother’s affection and authority or that of a good kind guardian. To these poor boys you arer a stranger; of course, they speak of you often and I am sure, possess, as far as can be expected, a childlike and tender affection for their loved Mother but it is only theoretically, and simply because the Sisters make it their duty to cultivate in their hearts these sentiments of love and gratitude for parents and guardians and it has its good effects on young children.
It appears that your business obliges you to reside in the U. S. consequently, I would suggest that you place the boys within your reach if you wish to control them successfully in the future. They are both good children now, but great watchfulness and wise counsels are necessary.
Now, my good friend, I ask you to give this matter a little consideration and if you cannot make some arrangements to take them kindly authorize me to provide a home for them with some respectable persons, as it is quite impossible for us to provide clothing, books, board and many other requisites for the amount you are able to send us. Under the present existing circumstances, I believe that injustice is being done the children and the Institute.
I certainly would be pleased to hear from you, on this subject, at an early date and trust that you readily see the justness of request, namely that my motive is to benefit the little ones and render your responsibilities lighter by having them under your direct supervision at this age.