Will you kindly send us Religious Perfection the first Volume and when that is finished I will return it in order to get the second. All books suitable for our spiritual reading are exhausted and to repeat them too soon would be tiresome.
Many of our large boys formed a strike on Monday morning, for shorter hours; the spirit of the age is in Trenton as well as elsewhere. When we came the children told us they were dismissed at 3.30 Friday afternoon; but Fr. Twohey did not approve of that and so it was abolished, or rather it was arranged that a singing class would be held for all the pupils at that hour. It seems the boys read in the newspapers that 15 or 16 of some Public School in Kingston revolted and they thought they would a page of the same history and have the half hour to play football. Fr. Twohey was unmoved and he made them surrender. With him at their backs the teachers need fear nothing. He was about the school all day so that nothing happened. Sr. M. Clare was a little depressed at the thought that such a thing happening but it was only the action of a few thoughtless wild boys; and she is convinced now that such things will be, as boys are boys the world over. We are all well and the weather is fine, so thank God everything is in our favor. Do not be at all alarmed at the strike, it was really nothing, only that lads would not come in at 9 A.M. till Sr. would promise to let them off every Friday at 3.30 which of course she would not do. You might hear it some other way and be uneasy but that is simply all there is to it. Some of the Sisters have probably told you of the pleasure we had on Saturday by the visit of the Srs from Belleville, we are expecting the others next Saturday.