Permit me to ask your assistance and advice, on a matter which for some time, has given me a little uneasiness, the subject regards an old man, Sylvester Donoughue, an inmate of our Institute and for whom, we received a remittance of $48.00 yearly, from the Council of your district, up to the date of his last escape in Oct. ‘92. The poor old man was again admitted Dec. 19, 1892 at request of said Council, and up to the present, we have received no remuneration from any of its members.
I have thought, that as there were new members in the Council this year, the appeal should have been presented, and if this be so, it is through you, as a friend of the poor and needy, that I wish to ascertain what measures I should adopt, in order to secure the amount for the maintenance of Sylvester. Indeed, the poor old creature is failing rapidly, and has become very feeble and childish.