Last evening’s mail brought me a letter from the Superior of Mt. St. Vincent informing me that Rev. Dr. Beaven and Rev. Father Conaty called the Sisters together to make known to them the result of the Commission: The President of the Corporation must present herself before the Bishop of Springfield within three days, taking with her the papers of Incorporation. All the members of the same must have their meetings regularly as in Civil law. No mortgage to be taken on property, no money raised or debts contracted without the permission of the Bishop of Springfield. Any priest coming to say Mass or exercise any other function of his ministry, unless sent by Bp. O’Reilly would be suspended “Ipso Facto,” and the chapel put under interdict.
Enclosed is the copy of the point of rule referred to:-
Hoping that your Grace is feeling less fatigued than yesterday and regretting that so much extra labor should be added on our account.