I know you will be glad to hear that the Blessed Sacrament has been restored to this Chapel. Sr. M. of the S. Heart sent me out a note yesterday telling me that much and to-day being fine, I drove in to offer my homage and adoration. Sister told me that Tuesday night before ten o’clock, she heard a great noise at the door and Sister M. Aloysius going down found it was Fr. Harkins, he asked for Sr. M. of Providence and no one knew his business till next morning when she sent a Sister to tell Sr. M. of the S. Heart that Mass was to be said that morning. So he came himself and before Mass, he turned and told the Sisters how pleased he was to bring back the Blessed Sacrament and that the Bishop of Springfield was very low, had a consultation of Doctors, and that he had given up the administration of his diocese to Rev. Dr. Power, V.G., and that his last act was to restore the Blessed Sacrament. My heart tells me that he was ordered to do so by Rome. No matter though, our God is here and “what have we on earth or what do we desire in Heaven” but His love and thanks to God and the Holy See! Two months and ten days deprived by our Life and Hope!
If I only live to hear that Dr. Beaven is no longer Confessor, I will die contented.
They see now whether I was the cause of the Blessed Sacrament being removed – I am still here and It is with us.
I hope you will not worry over mistakes at the New House. God knows we did our best and if any omissions occur, we must only have a little patience. I want stairs from all the galleries that will serve as fire escapes, and besides it is convenient to have a way of getting out to the yard. Just do as you think I would and all will be well.
Oh, how I long to go home! But all would now be lost if I once put my foot out of the diocese; my presence is a drawback to many things.