I send you the Archbishop’s letter of instruction and encouragement and sympathy; he feels exceedingly for you and the faithful Sisters in the petty persecution you are undergoing. He has known similar cases at other times. The Holy See will surely sustain you. His Grace thinks there is nothing more he can possibly add for your guidance; he is satisfied you will act in conformity with his instructions without needing advice in every particular. He confides in your judgment to do the right thing under all circumstances and not put yourself in the power of adversaries to complain of any undue harshness or imprudence. You are on your trial for sound sense and governing power. He wishes you to read his letter for the two Communities. It ought to satisfy them of the soundness of your position legally and before the Church and consequently of your final victory. Patience is required, and prudence, and caution in speech. His Grace will write you again to-morrow. He sends you his blessing and best wishes.
Our Story
Mar. 5, 1892 – To General Superior Sr. M. Edward, Holyoke MA, from Rev. Gauthier, Archbishop of Kingston’s Assistant, Virginia Beach, VA
Princess Anne Hotel,
Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach
Mar. 5, 1892
Rev. Mother Edward,
I remain dear Mother Edward, Yours sincerely,
C.H. Gauthier
P.S. Allow me to say from myself confidently it is very hard on the Archbishop, who is far from being well and is over-tired of work to be mixed up in serious affairs of this kind whilst he is here taking a necessary rest; absolute repose and quiet and freedom from sense of duty are necessary for him just now. Your telegram has disturbed his mind very much, he feels so intensely for you and the Sisters. Hence he could eat no dinner today because of the anxieties of his mind. In fact he is not able to read his office nor even a newspaper. He neither writes nor receives letters; I mention all this that you may judge what harm it may do him these days of his rest from labor to keep him agitated by the Holyoke troubles. Perhaps you will think he has given all the advice that can be useful to you. C.H.G.
Source: 407-409-A, General Secretary Fonds, Annals of the Congregation/Generalate series, Volume 1861-1892, pp. 261-262, Archives, Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul.
Catherine McKinley’s Letters
This letter is part of a large database of correspondence written by and to Catherine McKinley, who is considered one of the founders of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul. As a Sister of Providence she was known by her religious name Mother Mary Edward.
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