July 28, 1891 – To Miss Haggerty, Ottawa ON from General Superior Sr. M. Edward, Kignston ON

House of Providence, Kingston
July 28, 1891
Miss Susan Haggerty
Ottawa, Ontario
My dear young friend,

In lieu of a personal interview which I have been deprived of on account of absence from home, when you called last week, I come this morning to speak with you on this subject of religious vocation. But first of all I must tell you how deeply I regret not having seen you; although Sr. M. of the S. Heart informed me of your very earnest desire to become a member of our Community, and I may add, favors your application. This commendation and your worthy director’s introductory letter convinces me that you would make a very suitable candidate, and I shall find much pleasure in giving you any information or assistance you may require towards the accomplishment of this important step.

Since you feel that our Divine Saviour is calling you to serve Him in this Institute and you are anxious to co-operate in the holy purpose, I would suggest that you write without delay and request admission to the Novitiate. I will then secure the decision of the Community in your regard.

With many kind wishes for your happiness I remain Very Sincerely Yours
Mother Mary Edward, S.G.
Source: 105-C, General Superior's fonds, Correspondence series, Copybook, p. 133, Archives, Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul.
Catherine McKinley’s Letters

This letter is part of a large database of correspondence written by and to Catherine McKinley, who is considered one of the founders of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul. As a Sister of Providence she was known by her religious name Mother Mary Edward.

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