Emboldened by the friendship that exists between us, I come to ask a favor of you to-day. Within the last few months, several English subjects have entered our novitiate; and, as their mistress has no knowledge of their language, I have had to take the dear children under my tutelage. I have endeavored to procure, for them, all necessary religious books, but none of them contains our own method of meditation. Fortunately, one of your Manuals came under my notice; and, as it contains a ready and correct traduction of our method, I beg you to sell me, at least, one half-dozen copies, if you can dispose of that number, without inconvenience to yourself, and I am willing to pay any price for them.
Now, a word about all that has transpired within the past ten days, – We have had our General Elections, and the result is as follows: –
Mother General – Mother Mary Antoinette
1st Asst – Mother John of the Cross
2nd “ – Mother Mary Victoire
3rd “ – Mother M. Mecthilde
4th “ – Mother Emerentienne
Mother Cecilia is Provincial of the Montreal Province – Mother Godfroy, being sick, has retired from active duty, and all responsibility. There are many other changes, but they would not interest you. We have opened two new missions of late; so our houses now number sixty-eight.
Begging the help of yours prayers, and that of the entire sisterhood for my spiritual needs, and requesting you to offer my religious regards to your good Mother General, I remain, in union of good works,