By direction of the Archbishop I send you the following extracts, with translation in English, from letters received from Propaganda relative to separation of the house in Holyoke from Mother house in Kingston.
Our Story
Feb. 7, 1894 – To General Superior Sr. M. Edward, Kingston ON from James Vincent Neville, Archbishop’s Palace, Kingston ON
Archbishop's Palace
Feb. 7, 1894
Dear Mother Edward
I remain Dear Mother Edward
Sincerely yours
Sincerely yours
James Vincent Neville
“Roma li 27 quizno 1892
“Illme et R
“Domus separanda de Holyoke solvet domui Kingstoniensi septem millia scutatorum intra septem annarum spatium, mille scilicet scutata singulis annis.”
“Roma li 10
Source: 105.6-C, Mother Mary Edward General Superior sous-fonds, Correspondence series, Letter February 7, 1894, Archives, Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul.
Catherine McKinley’s Letters
This letter is part of a large database of correspondence written by and to Catherine McKinley, who is considered one of the founders of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul. As a Sister of Providence she was known by her religious name Mother Mary Edward.
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