I have just now had a visit from Miss Cleary. She was scarcely able to walk across the street to come to ask me to inform you of her weak state and to request you to ask Father Kelly to take her home to Kingston. I told her to see the doctor and get his opinion, but she refused to see Dr. Brennan, as she has lost all confidence in him. She asked me to suggest one who could tell her if the lungs were affected or not. I proposed our physician and she sent for him at once. Dr. Leblanc examined her lungs and he told me confidentially that she ought to be removed at once, for her lungs are in a very bad condition and that the severe diarrhea she has, comes from the lungs. The Superior told the doctor that she cannot keep her any longer and that she must go to the hospital.
Sunday A.M. – I have sent the medicine the doctor prescribed and the Tertiary tells me that Miss C is some better this morning and that she is writing to Father Kelly. She is very lonesome. She eats nothing and she has not the care she needs. I hope she may be so fortunate as to fall under your care and be with people who can understand her and sympathise with her. She does not want to go to the Hotel Dieu here for she is tired of hearing a strange language. You know the old saying: “Pat loves his own!” The doctor says he will follow her case closely and will try to put her on her feet so that she can make the trip home.
Now, my dear I have told you all, so I leave the rest in your hands.
How is your poor own health this season? Let me thank you before I forget it, for your Kind invitation of last July. I feel just as grateful as if I had had the real pleasure; but I shall claim the privilege later.
Wishing you and the dear Sisters all the blessings of the Coming Xmas Season, I remain as ever