Dec. 22, 1893 – To Sisters of St. John’s Convent, Perth from General Superior Sr. M. Edward, Kingston ON

House of Providence, Kingston
Dec. 22, 1893
Rev. Sisters of Charity
St. John's Convent,
Perth, Ontario
My Very dear Sisters:

In the Merciful designs of a loving Providence, we are once more permitted to address you on the return of the Feast of the Birth of our Infant God, to wish each one of our spiritual children the joys of the season, particularly the joy that consists in the security that follows a well spent year; the consolation of feeling that in our hearts Christ will be really born; that we will hear the Anthem of the Angels “Peace on earth to men of good will”. Peace and joy, such as this we wish you from the inmost recesses of a loving, affectionate heart.

The Home items this year are few, but by no means, disheartening, we have the most encouraging report from the Hospital in Brockville and our Sisters are doing a noble work in the School at St. Mary’s. Our Sisters are in greater demand than ever for the active works of charity a proof that our Divine Master recognizes the effort made to relieve His suffering members the poor and the sick. Our Novitiate, although not containing as many as we desire, still is a source of great comfort to us, as we see therein willing laborers who will take up the task in the Vineyard of the Lord and continue the good work, after we have gone to hear from the lips of our Just Judge, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”. Oh, may this be the sentence that will fall on our ears when we quit this life!!!

Here at the Mother House, we have had nine Professions, five Receptions and six Entrances. Thank God, we have no death for our chronicles this year, Our Heavenly Father has been pleased to spare us all to labor still a little more for his holy love, and now, dear Sisters wishing you all a peaceful, happy Christmas and a joyful New Year.

Believe me to be most devotedly at the Crib of Bethlehem, Yours affectionately,
Mother M. Edward, Sup. Gen.
Notes: This letter is a typed copy pasted into the copybook.
Source: 105-C, General Superior's fonds, Correspondence series, Copybook, pp. 153-154, Archives, Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul.
Catherine McKinley’s Letters

This letter is part of a large database of correspondence written by and to Catherine McKinley, who is considered one of the founders of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul. As a Sister of Providence she was known by her religious name Mother Mary Edward.

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