The pleasing and very interesting report of the Dedication of your new and commodious Convent was duly received at the Mother house, and although not present at the ceremony, we know full well the happiness you must have felt, and we gladly rejoice with you all dear Sisters and return thanks to God for this blessing which will enable you to succeed with greater facility in your different labors. Our hearty good wishes for your happiness therein are sincere and genuine.
While enjoying the material comforts of this earthly abode, depart not, we pray you from the spirit of Peace and Charity; for there God dwells and if God be with you the burden and heat of the day, though great will be cheerfully and meritoriously endured.
With reference to Rt. Rev. Dr. O’Reilly’s announcement on that day, we come to assuage any anxiety you may be inclined to feel over the event, and to give you an assurance that His Lordship’s remarks need not disturb you at all. They were made somewhat prematurely. We think the decision of such a question could hardly be obtained without referring it to the Judgment of our Ecclesiastical Superior. It is so unlike the way Rome proceeds for the settlement of important matters.
Let the subject pass from your minds beloved Sisters, and in most fervent prayer for the accomplishment of the Divine Will, continue your duties, patiently awaiting results.