For a long time past the Sisters at Mt. St. Vincent have urged the necessity of enlarging the Orphanage – giving many good reasons for so doing. During my recent visit there, they pressed me for permission to erect even a temporary wooden building to serve as class and recreation rooms, but I withheld my consent deeming it more prudent to liquidate the present debt than increase it. The amount due on the property at Mt. St. Vincent is $11510.81 – the interest of which being as much as they can pay annually. I have advised certain means to be taken to cancel it in part, and as another thought of asking Your Lordship for a collection through the Western portion of your diocese. I have hesitated My Lord to ask this favor for many reasons, but knowing no other means by which the difficulty might be overcome, I have finally decided to ask it.
Our Story
April 26, 1885 – To Bishop of Springfield, MA from General Superior Sr. M. Edward, Kingston ON
House of Providence, Kingston
Apr. 26, 1885
Rt. Rev. P.T. O'Reilly, D.D.
Bishop of Springfield
Bishop of Springfield
My Lord,
Hoping that your Lordship may be pleased to grant my request and awaiting a reply at your convenience, I beg to subscribe myself My Lord
Most Respectfully
Most Respectfully
Sister Mary Edward, Supr.
Source: 105-C, General Superior's fonds, Correspondence series, Copybook pp. 46-47, Archives, Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul.
Catherine McKinley’s Letters
This letter is part of a large database of correspondence written by and to Catherine McKinley, who is considered one of the founders of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul. As a Sister of Providence she was known by her religious name Mother Mary Edward.
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