Longest-serving and longest living Sisters



Do you know who the longest living Sister in the history of the congregation is? And did you know that in the history of the congregation thirteen Sisters have lived to the age of 100 years or older? And seven Sisters served in the congregation for 80 years or more?!

The three longest-serving Sisters in the congregation pictured above, in order from left to right, are:

  • Sr. Anna Moran (84 years)

  • Sr. Nora Kyle (in her 84th year)

  • Sr. Marion Farnand (in her 84th year)

The three longest living Sisters in the congregation pictured above, in order from left to right, are:

  • Sr. Anne Louise Haughian (age 105)

  • Sr. Nora Kyle (age 102)

  • Sr. Mary Raphael McCann (age 102)