On July 16, 1911, the Superior General was very pleased to receive an application for Entrance into our Novitiate, from a young teacher of Westport, Ont., particularly so, as she had been much pressed of late to open teaching missions here and there, and also to supply extra teachers in missions already established.
The application was gladly accepted by the Council as the applicant came well recommended and was discovered to be no other than a younger sister of our own Sister Mary Geraldine.
Catherine Isabella Egan as she was called was born in Westport July 3, 1886. After her attendance at the Separate and High schools of her native town, and the Normal School, Ottawa, she succeeded in obtaining a Permanent Second Class Certificate of Qualification for teaching in Ontario. But the world had no attraction for her. She longed for the retirement and seclusion of the Religious Life.
After receiving her Entrance she delayed some months to rest and enjoy the company of her parents and family. On the feast of the Immaculate Conception Dec. 8, 1911, she entered our novitiate. Not by any means robust in appearance, she never complained of sickness, was prompt in following the exercises of the Novitiate, and in fulfilling the duties assigned her. Though of a very retiring disposition yet she was ever anxious to do and act her part as occasion required.
During her term of probation she was often called upon to substitute in the schools for Sisters who had to be absent, and later took charge of a class in St. John’s. This was very agreeable to her as it was the work for which she was best fitted.
She made Holy Profession on Jan. 15, 1914 and in September of the same year, she was appointed to the school in Chesterville. Here she laboured quietly and faithfully until appointed to Arnprior Sept. 1st 1918. Little did the dear Sister dream that she was so soon to receive the reward of her labours. This was the year that the “Spanish Flu” was to make such havoc among the people. It came to the school the last of September, both pupils and teachers were taken down. Sister had a very bad attack. Not improving, the Superior of the Convent thought better to bring her to the Mother House, which she did October 16th.
She received the Last Sacraments after a few days, not that there was any danger of death, but so many were taken off suddenly, it was considered well to be on the safe side. Towards the end of November it was apparent that the end was near. She was again prepared for death in the evening of December 3rd. Noticing her weak condition the Sisters remained until she passed peacefully away after midnight. A privileged child – we feel that her journey to her true Home will not long be delayed.
The Funeral Mass was a solemn Pontifical by His Grace, Most Rev. E.J. Spratt assisted by Rev. Father Joseph, Father Hanley, Father Keaney, and Father Hyland. Present in the Sanctuary were Rev. Father Duffus, T. O’Connor and Michael.