A whole new take on local, when it comes to food
BY TARA KAINER From Toronto to Vancouver, Chicago to California, Seoul, South Korea to Havana, Cuba and points in between, Jennifer Cockrall-King explores the future of food...
Behind the peace pole: truth
BY SISTER PAULINE LALLY In the midst of global tragedies and conflicts, we, Sisters of Providence, erected a simple white peace pole in front of the entrance to our...
Standing in vigil at Kingston’s City Hall
Vigil keeper Lynda Dowdle, in red, is surrounded by four Sisters of Providence at an August vigil. From left, Ellen Murray, SP; Lynda Dowdle; Una Byrne, SP; sitting, Peggy...
Telling a different story about war
Richard Jack. The Second Battle of Ypres, 22 April to 25 May 1915. CWM 19710261-0161. Beaverbrook Collection of War Art. copyright Canadian War MuseumBY JAMIE SWIFT Two oil...
For the child taken, for the parent left behind
Sister Mary Clare Stack OSU, Sister Jeannette Filthaut SP and Dr. Bob McKeon walking in the closing march of Truth and Reconciliation on a very cold March 30th day in...
Poverty dolls: Silent vigil’s 18th anniversary
To mark the 18th anniversary of the Sisters of Providence's silent vigil held over noon hour on Fridays, Sisters and friends created a display of 6000 paper dolls to...
But I’m Hungry
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation staff member Tara Kainer's first book of poetry was published in 2011 by Hidden Brook Press. She read this poem at the Put Food in...
‘Energy poverty’ – when it costs too much to stay warm
BY BRIDGET DOHERTY Imagine you have two children. You work full time at the store down the road. Your husband is a cook at the local restaurant. When the bill for heating...
Precariat: A new word for an old and growing problem
BY JAMIE SWIFT The precariat? What's that? The funny-sounding word has recently been creeping from university seminar rooms into public discussion. Precarious work + the...
3rd World Canada youth drum up support for change
Youth drum group from Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation (K.I.)BY BRIDGET DOHERTY Last fall, the Sisters of Providence, the Rotary Club of Cataraqui, Kingston, along...