Our Work

Prison Reflection

Prison Reflection

BY SISTER PAULINE LALLY As the sky darkened and the rains came down on the non violent demonstration and resistance to the closure of the Prison farms on Sunday, August 8, a little boy said, “Even God is sad.” I think that just about sums up the feeling of most of the...

Keeping Holy the Lord’s Day

Keeping Holy the Lord’s Day

BY ALBERT DUNN Margaret Bick, former editor of the National Bulletin on Liturgy, facilitated a session for liturgical ministers and sisters on Saturday, May 8. The presentation focused on the 1998 document ocument of John Paul II Dies Domini, on keeping the Lord’s Day...

Annual bake sale raises mission funds

Annual bake sale raises mission funds

Teacher Elena enjoying time with five of her students in Peru.BY SISTER BERNADINE BOKENFOHR The annual February bake sale held by Providence Associates based in Camrose, Alberta, raised an astounding $3,450.00. The proceeds were sent to Peru and used for education and...

Ending the savage inequalities of poverty

Ending the savage inequalities of poverty

Jamie Swift speaks to community leaders prior to their visits with our most vulnerable neighbours. Jamie is co-authoring a book based on the information gathered.BY JAMIE SWIFT Over the past few months people of faith and other community leaders fanned out into some...

Enthusiastic Group Demands Action

Enthusiastic Group Demands Action

Sister Pauline Lally and Margaret Atwood lead the crowd on a march to CSC headquarters. Both women received standing ovations after speaking to the crowd inside Sydenham Church.BY BRIDGET DOHERTY Over 90% of Canadians support Canada’s Prison Farms according to a Globe...

Living Generously

Living Generously

Kingston author Larry Scanlan shares his experiences in his book A Year of Living Generously.BY CHRISTINE ROSS Sister Pauline Lally introduced Kingston author, Larry Scanlan, to a capacity crowd during a book launch on May 19th at Providence Motherhouse. Saying it...

Sister Sheila Brady’s work in prison ministry

Sister Sheila Brady’s work in prison ministry

When Sister Sheila Brady arrives for her weekly visit at a Kingston area prison, an inmate announces “the quiet flame has arrived.” Sister Sheila found a new direction in life after a two-month retreat at a prayer center in Arizona in 2000. The sabbatical came after a...

Awakening the Dreamer, changing the Dream

Awakening the Dreamer, changing the Dream

Symposium facilitator: Tom PickensBY CHRISTINE ROSS The workshop delivered on its promise to disturb, inspire and force real action on environmental sustainability. Awaking the Dreamer, changing the Dream was held at Providence Motherhouse in Kingston on Saturday,...