Providence Flashbacks

Looking back on the Garage

Looking back on the Garage

Garage in June 2023.  BY VERONICA STIENBURG, ARCHIVIST The garage was demolished in September, but it served the Motherhouse well for almost 60 years. A large garage, including living quarters for employees, had been built on the Motherhouse property in 1951;...

Looking back on the barn

Looking back on the barn

BY VERONICA STIENBURG, ARCHIVIST The Barn on Providence Motherhouse property has more of a history than you might think. We aren’t sure how old it is, but it was on the property when the Sisters purchased Heathfield in 1930; although, it was in a slightly different...

Contemplating the Labyrinth

Contemplating the Labyrinth

BY VERONICA STIENBURG, ARCHIVIST The Labyrinth in the back field of Providence Motherhouse has returned to nature, but for a time it was an important prayer space used by sisters and retreatants at Providence Spirituality Centre. It was planned by a committee of...

Who built the Motherhouse?

Who built the Motherhouse?

BY VERONICA STIENBURG, ARCHIVIST The original wing of the building, known as the 1932 wing, was designed by Architect Colin Drever and the contractor was Angus Robertson of Montreal. This is a photograph of the workmen, hired by Angus Robertson, who actually built the...

What did Heathfield look like in 1930?

What did Heathfield look like in 1930?

BY VERONICA STIENBURG, ARCHIVIST In June 1930 the Sisters of Providence purchased Heathfield, an approximately 30 acre property just outside the western limits of the city of Kingston, from Mr. H. Jennings. The property was surveyed on September 25th, 1930 and the...

Remembering Holy Family Hospital…

Remembering Holy Family Hospital…

The original Holy Family Hospital, later known as Marian Villa. This house served as the hospital from 1947 to 1954.BY VERONICA STIENBURG, ARCHIVIST The Sisters of Providence opened Holy Family Hospital for the chronically ill in 1947 in an old house in the Fraserview...

Keeping Warm…

Keeping Warm…

Coal truck delivering coal to Providence Motherhouse in ca.1943. (If you don’t recognize this view of the front door, it’s because we are used to seeing the Administration wing to the east of the main entrance, but it wasn’t built until 1964.)BY VERONICA STIENBURG,...

Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II receives flowers from seven-year-olds Debbie of Sunnyside Children’s Centre and Neil of Heathfield Orphanage (operated by the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul) on June 28, 1959 at Richardson Stadium, Kingston ON. Prince Philip Duke of...

49 Years of Teaching

49 Years of Teaching

BY VERONICA STIENBURG, ARCHIVIST Sister Mary Francis of Assisi was born in 1899 and died at age 87 in 1986. As a Sister of Providence she taught in Kingston, Lancaster, Smiths Falls, Perth, Arnprior, Tweed, and Gananoque. She retired in 1968 as Principal and teacher...