Kingston, ON, June 17, 2024 - After years of careful consideration, thoughtful contemplation and discernment, the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul have chosen to transfer their congregation’s governance to a Commissary. This decision signifies the adoption...
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Final Chapter of the Sisters of Providence
Jan 7, 2024 | Chapter
BY SISTER FRANCES O'BRIEN In late October, the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul took a monumental step in our 162-year history by convoking our final General Chapter. For almost 3 years, we had been meeting regularly with facilitator and Canon Lawyer,...
Chapter is a Verb
Dec 15, 2021 | Chapter
Sister Mary Jo Radey, CSJBY SISTER PAULINE LALLY In the midst of this never-ending pandemic, we held a pre-chapter retreat in October. The highlight for me was that we were able to get together. To see each other, to talk to each other, to share meals and laughter...
Chapter 2019: Leadership for the future
Jul 22, 2019 | Chapter
Every four years the Congregation holds a Chapter. Sisters participate in discussion, discernment and decisions for the future including electing members to serve as the Leadership Team. This process was guided by the facilitator Sister Brenda Peddigrew, RSM. During...
Reflecting on Chapter and its graces
Aug 18, 2015 | Chapter
In preparation for Chapter, we Sisters and Associates, prayed the Chapter Prayer 2015 and invitations for prayer were sent to all parishes. I believe this enabled us to enter into Chapter with hearts free and fresh with enthusiasm, hearts that carry hope and peace. ...
View from the sidelines
Aug 18, 2015 | Chapter
Doreen Hoekstra is the executive assistant to the Sisters of Providence Leadership Team. Here she is (right) with Chapter facilitator Sister Yvette Bellerose, SSAChapter 2015 was the second Chapter I attended as secretary and a part of me sat through the process with...
Toasting the team
Aug 18, 2015 | Chapter
Sister Sheila Langton lauds outgoing leadership team members (seated, from left) Sisters Frances O’Brien, Gayle Desarmia, Sandra Shannon and Una Bryne. Below, Sister Sara Jimenez.There are two distinct parts to every Chapter: after the Chapter of Affairs and before...
“Wow” is a willingness to hear each other
Aug 18, 2015 | Chapter
Our congregational Chapter, a blessed time to once again meet and greet Sisters I see often as well as those from far away. Catching up on the news, “how have you been?” A time to pray and a time to dream. Was there a highlight for me? A wow moment? That would be the...
In April, with joy, the Sisters renewed their mission and decided to create a village
Aug 17, 2015 | Chapter
Everybody wants to see the plans! We have a long way to go first. This is a mockup only.Every four years, the Sisters of Providence hold decision-making meetings the Church calls “Chapter.” In April of this year, big decisions were made that direct the future of the...