

back row standing left to right: Sisters Una Byrne, Jean Higgins, Susan Pye, Judith Lee, Mary Bernadette Reichert, Jeannette Filthautfront row left to right: Sisters Anne Louise Haughian, Mary MurphyBY CHRISTINE ROSS Sister Pauline Lally described this year’s eight Jubilarians as unique and unrepeatable seeds of God’s creative love. Using seeds as a metaphor throughout her congratulation speech to Jubilarians on Friday, June 17th, Sr. Pauline...

Do the Math Challenge

Do the Math Challenge

left to right: Participants Susan Belyea and Kingston Mayor Mark GerretsenBY TARA KAINER “I have a fire in my belly,” Elaine Power, Queen’s Professor of Health & Kinesiology, explained during a wrap-up panel of Do the Math Challenge participants on May 26th at St. Vincent de Paul Society in front of an audience of about 30 people. The event was co-sponsored by the Food Providers’ Networking Group and the Kingston Community Roundtable for...

Associates Digest June 22 2011

Associates Digest June 22 2011

As the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul celebrate their 150th Anniversary 1861-2011, Providence Associates celebrate their journey too, 1985-2011.Associate Carol Groten enjoys quiet reflection at the 150th Anniversary stained glass windowBY SISTER CATHERINE CANNON In 1983, Sister Muriel Gallagher went to Guatemala. During her Visitation there, she suggested the formation of a group of Associates to pray with and support the Sisters...

Canadian Seed Conversation

Canadian Seed Conversation

Cate Henderson, far left, shares a meal with other participants. It was served in the greenhouse of Ottawa seed grower Greta Kryger of Greta’s Organic GardensBY CATE HENDERSON On May 6th and 7th, 2011, an event of historic importance occurred in Ottawa, when 23 participants from Canada joined together to try to make this great country of ours seed and food secure again. As a representative of the Heirloom Seed Sanctuary of the Sisters of...

New Leadership Team

New Leadership Team

The outgoing and incoming Leadership Teams with Archbishop Brendan O’Brien after the Installation Mass on Sunday, June 19th.left to right: Sisters Dianne McNamara, Una Byrne, Monica Whalen, Frances O’Brien, Archbishop Brendan O’Brien, Sandra Shannon, Gayle Desarmia, and Pauline Lally.BY CHRISTINE ROSS The Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul have elected a new leadership team to a four-year term during the congregation’s 37th Chapter...

From Peru

From Peru

BY SISTER ROSE HEALY In 1967 the congregation opened two missions in Latin America, one in Peru and one in Guatemala. The Sisters withdrew from Guatemala in 2003 leaving their mission to another congregation. Four Sisters were missioned to Peru. They settled in a very poor area on the outskirts of Lima, the capital. After Vatican II the bishops of Latin America met periodically to implement the dictates of the Council and to meet the challenges...

Sisters of Providence leave Smiths Falls

Sisters of Providence leave Smiths Falls

photo courtesy: Joe MolinoSister Marlene Schuster is celebrated for her ministry at St. Francis de Sales Church in Smiths Falls during a special Mass on Sunday, Oct. 3.BY CHRISTINE ROSS A 106 year presence in Smiths Falls has come to an end. Parishioners of St. Francis de Sales Church in the Eastern Ontario community said goodbye and thank you to the Sisters of Providence during a special Mass on Sunday, Oct. 3. The Sisters first established...

Prison Reflection

Prison Reflection

BY SISTER PAULINE LALLY As the sky darkened and the rains came down on the non violent demonstration and resistance to the closure of the Prison farms on Sunday, August 8, a little boy said, “Even God is sad.” I think that just about sums up the feeling of most of the demonstrators and resisters who showed up in such impressive numbers during Sunday’s downpour and Monday’s sultry heat. I know that is how I felt. Sad. Mourning is a legitimate...

Farewell in Arnprior

Farewell in Arnprior

photo by: Kate Glynn, EMC NewspaperSister Nancy Wilson, seated, centre, celebrates with her congregation following a farewell Mass at St. John Chrysostom in Arnprior Sunday, June 20, 2010.BY CHRISTINE ROSS During a special Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, June 20, the congregation of St. John Chrysostom in Arnprior bid a fond farewell to Sister Nancy Wilson and all Sisters of Providence who have ministered in the parish over the last 101 years....

Keeping Holy the Lord’s Day

Keeping Holy the Lord’s Day

BY ALBERT DUNN Margaret Bick, former editor of the National Bulletin on Liturgy, facilitated a session for liturgical ministers and sisters on Saturday, May 8. The presentation focused on the 1998 document ocument of John Paul II Dies Domini, on keeping the Lord’s Day holy. Margaret emphasized the four foundational aspects of rest, peace, solidarity and celebration. The twenty five participants enjoyed the information as well as time to share...

Protect Yourself in a Wired World

Protect Yourself in a Wired World

Rob Nickel is globally recognized as an expert in the field of undercover investigations as they relate to the Internet.BY CHRISTINE ROSS Canada's leading expert in cyber safety told a Kingston audience that anyone can be a victim of internet crime. Rob Nickel, a former 14-year police veteran of the Ontario Provincial Police, who spent years working undercover with pedophiles, now travels across the world speaking to students and parents to...

Annual bake sale raises mission funds

Annual bake sale raises mission funds

Teacher Elena enjoying time with five of her students in Peru.BY SISTER BERNADINE BOKENFOHR The annual February bake sale held by Providence Associates based in Camrose, Alberta, raised an astounding $3,450.00. The proceeds were sent to Peru and used for education and healthcare. The Catholic Women’s League, the Hospital Auxiliary and generous benefactors all donated to the Camrose Providence Associates to help the poor. The money will be used...

Developing an Associate Mission Statement

Developing an Associate Mission Statement

Photos by Associate Candidate Joan MurrayBY ELIZABETH COWPERTHWAITE On May 28th and 29th the Associates held their Spring Retreat. On Friday evening at a beautiful and meaningful Commitment Ceremony, Regina Lannon made her Commitment as a Providence Associate. On Saturday a lovely, pink blossoming plant stood in front of the podium in the Providence Spirituality Centre. This plant has grown from the tiny seeds the Associates planted at their...

Ending the savage inequalities of poverty

Ending the savage inequalities of poverty

Jamie Swift speaks to community leaders prior to their visits with our most vulnerable neighbours. Jamie is co-authoring a book based on the information gathered.BY JAMIE SWIFT Over the past few months people of faith and other community leaders fanned out into some thirty Ontario communities as part of another massive “social audit” organized by the Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition. ISARC, supported by the Sisters of Providence,...

A number of us were privileged to participate in the NAVFD Conference in Toronto in March

A number of us were privileged to participate in the NAVFD Conference in Toronto in March

BY SISTER LUCY KEARNEY   National Association of Vocation Formation Directors (NAVFD) Conference, Toronto, March 2010.The keynote speaker, Father Ron Rolheiser, omi, and the excellent workshop leaders brought to life the theme Let Your Life Speak – Vocation Alive. A few noteworthy thoughts from the conference are: “The first task of a leader today is to radiate life!” Loch Sofield. “They were amazed because Jesus spoke with great...

Enthusiastic Group Demands Action

Enthusiastic Group Demands Action

Sister Pauline Lally and Margaret Atwood lead the crowd on a march to CSC headquarters. Both women received standing ovations after speaking to the crowd inside Sydenham Church.BY BRIDGET DOHERTY Over 90% of Canadians support Canada’s Prison Farms according to a Globe and Mail opinion poll. The Save Canada’s Prison Farm coalition explains that these farms should remain open and be expanded. A local farmer first discovered the plan to close...

Innovative Food Projects / Part of Solution

Innovative Food Projects / Part of Solution

Community Harvest Working Group members Frank and Jamie volunteer for the market’s 2009 Grand Opening.BY TARA KAINER Enhancing food security in Kingston is fast becoming a poverty reduction strategy. High rents and utility costs make it increasingly difficult for low-income earners to make ends meet and because food is one of the few flexible costs in a household budget, it is the first to shrink –or disappear altogether — leaving food banks...

Heating Homes – Saving The Planet

BY BRIDGET DOHERTY The inability to pay for utility costs is the second highest reason for homelessness. This is why Sisters of Providence are members of the steering committee with the Low Income Energy Network (LIEN) in Toronto. Together we have been working with the provincial government to develop strategies that assist low income individuals and families dealing with the rising costs of energy. It is a sad reality that in a country as rich...

Annual Conference – ‘Celebrate Ourselves’

Annual Conference – ‘Celebrate Ourselves’

left to right: Tom McCarthy, Sister Gayle Desarmia and Danielle Hughes wear costumes from the Stratford Costume House.The Archives team at Providence Motherhouse got to play “dress up” during a quick stop at the Stratford Festival Archives and Costume Warehouse in mid-May. The three were attending a conference in nearby London, Ontario — the annual conference of the Catholic Archivist Group. The theme this year was Advocay & Outreach: How...

Living Generously

Living Generously

Kingston author Larry Scanlan shares his experiences in his book A Year of Living Generously.BY CHRISTINE ROSS Sister Pauline Lally introduced Kingston author, Larry Scanlan, to a capacity crowd during a book launch on May 19th at Providence Motherhouse. Saying it must be in the DNA, Sister Pauline compared Larry to his aunt, deceased Sister of Providence Rose Marie Scanlan, who formed the congregation’s first Social Awareness Committee, a...