Sister Sheila Langton lauds outgoing leadership team members (seated, from left) Sisters Frances O’Brien, Gayle Desarmia, Sandra Shannon and Una Bryne. Below, Sister Sara Jimenez.
There are two distinct parts to every Chapter: after the Chapter of Affairs and before proceeding to the Chapter of Elections, we have a time of celebration and appreciation for the outgoing leadership. Allow me to describe how the evening unfolded for Chapter 2015.
All Sisters of Providence were welcome to attend. Several Associates joined us for the occasion. The auditorium took on a festive appearance including helium balloons, and framed pictures of Sisters Sandra Shannon, Frances O’Brien, Gayle Desarmia and Una Byrne. Chairs were arranged to create an informal living room ambience with Sr. Rita Gleason entertaining us at the grand piano.
All present joined in a song composed by Sr. Jeannette Filthaut to the tune of Four Strong Winds, emphasizing the qualities of each one on Leadership.
Our moderator was Sister Sheila Langton who led an informal “tribute conversation,” which centered around Memorable Mission Moments as recalled for each one on Leadership. These moments were intended to be serious, humorous and inspirational. While we had done some planning, the actual event was carried out without a script—simply passing the microphone from one to the other.
Each of the leadership were presented plants and gifts as well as a bag of M&M candies to treasure these memorable moments. We are indeed grateful for our leadership and their dedication. Thank you again, both outgoing and incoming.
Sister Judy Lee