Pondering a Providence moment

This past weekend of November 13-15, I had the opportunity to take in the weekend retreat offered by Fr. Ron Rolheiser OMI at Star of the North Retreat Centre here in Alberta.

The theme of the retreat was Mirroring the Greatness of Life: Respecting and Accessing our Deepest and Most Sacred Energies. There were many key moments that connected with life as it is unfolding, but this one was shared with me on the last morning at the close of the retreat. The couple who shared this memorable moment in time were from Saskatoon, SK. When the woman found out I was a Sister of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul, she remembered being taught by Sister Mary Kenneth (Moderwell) at St. Peter’s School in Edmonton. She experienced Sister as a great teacher.

The memorable moment was when this woman was a young girl and her mother was dying in the hospital. A family friend was picking up the girls to take them to the hospital. Enroute to the hospital he stopped by two Sisters who were waiting to cross the street and asked them to accompany him to the hospital. These two sisters were Sisters Mary Kenneth and Mary Cosmas. They got in the car, accompanied the gentleman and stayed with the family supporting them in prayer and compassionate presence.  To this woman, the two Sisters exemplified what Father Ron had shared about Mary’s pondering in her standing at the foot of the cross. This was where Mary transformed the pain of Christ crucified, rather than transmitting that pain to others. This woman has never forgotten this kindness of the two Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul and has now experienced a new way to ponder and stand in the energy of her own strength.

shared with Sr. Jeannette Filthaut