Following the example of Jesus

At the Jubilee mass, Friar Ed at the altar with Archbishop O’Brien and eucharistic ministers.

From the Jubilee homily of Friar Ed Debono OFM Conv.

Your eyes have been fixed on Jesus even before you consecrated your life to him. You accepted his invitation to join him in building the Kingdom of God. Over the years you have read the scriptures, searched the scriptures and examined his life.

Over the years you have turned to Jesus for guidance in your spiritual life. You saw how he lived, how he talked to people, how he was compassionate to the poor, the sick, the blind and the lame. He was firm with Peter, invitational to Thomas and supportive of the woman caught in adultery.

You exemplified his lifestyle by your dedication, your willingness to help others and your personal commitment to your community. Developing strength of character, confidence and a conviction of your call to evangelize and help build the Kingdom of God comes about by not only focusing on Jesus but by encountering Jesus.

You responded to this imperative from Jesus. In your assignments you preached the Gospel to the people you met by doing all you could for others. You have done great work for the building of the Kingdom of God, to evangelize others. Encountering Jesus involves a mutual confidence in each other. It includes an acceptance and a love for one another; a desire to collaborate with Jesus in his mission.

When you were appointed to different tasks, you accepted them. In doing so, you collaborated with the Holy Spirit to go to places that the Lord wanted you to minister in his name. 

This jubilee celebration doesn’t mean your work is done. Your love for Jesus continues. Keep on praying and keep on doing things for the building up of the Kingdom of God. 

God bless all of you.