Associates Welcome Candidates

Sue MacDonald (left) of Kingston and Liliane Hamilton of Camrose made formal commitments as Providence Associates during the AGEM.


Associates and Sisters met for their Annual General Education Meeting the weekend of September 26 and 27. Friday afternoon and evening consisted of a Happy Hour, evening meal together, a welcome and the presentation of an inspiring and thought provoking DVD, Turtle World. This acted as an opening to a time of prayer and reflection entitled Providence People Tread Lightly on Earth, facilitated by Sr. Frances O’Brien and Barbara Baker.

On Saturday the assembled group was prayerfully led through a Meditation: Earth’s Song, based on Scriptural references from Genesis. In the closing prayer, all were invited to make a personal commitment to doing one new thing to promote reverence for Earth.

At the conclusion of the Business meeting on Saturday afternoon, Sr. Barbara Thiffault presented Sheilah Burchart with a gift from the Associates and expressed appreciation for all that she has contributed to the Providence Associate Committee. Sheilah retired from PAC June, 2008. Barbara Baker received thanks and a gift from Dianne Dutcher for her work as facilitator for the weekend. Sr. Frances O’Brien was thanked by Sr. Catherine Casey and received a gift in appreciation for her work as facilitator.

At 6:30 on Saturday evening a Commitment Ceremony was held in Providence Motherhouse Chapel. Two candidates, Sue MacDonald of Kingston and Liliane Hamilton of Camrose, Alberta made a formal commitment of one year as Providence Associates. The Ceremony took place within the context of Evening Prayer and was attended by Associates, Sisters, family and friends. Also, those Associates unable to renew their commitments on September 15, did so at this evening prayer.

At the conclusion of the ceremony Sister Dianne McNamara invited the Sisters present to welcome the new Associates. The evening ended with joyous greetings of peace and the taking of photos.