Associates Celebrate Milestone

Providence Associate Director Sr. Catherine Cannon


Following a year of soul-searching on the part of both Sisters and Associates about the nature of their relationship, the celebration on September 29th of the first commitment ceremony of Canadian Associates was a joyous occasion.

Several members of that first group of 14 women who made their commitment as Associates in 1987 were present for the Annual Retreat. Sisters and Associates shared in a special liturgy, reminisced, and enjoyed a social gathering that enabled all to renew and celebrate the strong bond among us.

Sister Lucy Bethel led the group in reflection on the topic of discernment — an apt subject as Sisters and Associates embrace the changes we all face as we try to faithfully respond to God’s call to us in the events of our lives and our times. Both as individuals and as a Providence community, this is a time of discernment. The goal of Association is to promote the growth of each Associate into a deeper relationship with God while sharing the Community charism of compassionate care for the needy and trust in Providence. The retreat and anniversary celebration provided spiritual refreshment and support for the journey and for our ongoing ministries as we all continue to answer God’s call to serve his people.